FiboSearch Pro v1.28.1 Nulled – (formerly AJAX Search for WooCommerce)

Searching is an essential part of any online platform. While WordPress comes with its own basic search functionality, there’s a lot of room for improvement. FiboSearch Pro aims to fill that gap by offering an advanced, customizable search experience that can radically enhance how users interact with your website. This plugin takes WordPress searching to new heights with its incredible features and ease of use.

Overview: Why FiboSearch Pro is a Must-Have Plugin

When it comes to FiboSearch Pro Nulled, it’s not just another search plugin; it’s a complete overhaul of how you think about search on your website. What sets it apart is its focus on enhancing not just the search but also the overall user experience. It’s not merely a tool to find content; it’s designed to help you guide your users through your website effortlessly. With its advanced algorithm, the plugin offers more accurate search results, and its customizable interface ensures that you can tailor the search experience to fit the branding and design of your website.

Moreover, FiboSearch Pro is incredibly easy to install and set up, eliminating the need for complex configurations or code editing. Whether you are running an eCommerce site or a blog, a smooth and efficient search experience is essential for user engagement and satisfaction. And that’s exactly what FiboSearch Pro delivers.

Key Features

Flexibility in Design

One of the standout features of FiboSearch Pro is its highly customizable design. The plugin allows you to adjust search box sizes, choose from various layout designs, and even customize the colors to match your website’s theme.

Live Search Results

With the Live Search feature, users can see suggestions and results as they type in the search bar, making the search process quicker and more intuitive.

Advanced Filters

The plugin also offers advanced filtering options. Users can sort search results by categories, tags, or custom fields. This is particularly useful for eCommerce websites where users might want to filter products by price, color, or brand.

WooCommerce Compatibility

Speaking of eCommerce, FiboSearch Pro is fully compatible with WooCommerce. It seamlessly integrates with your online store, enhancing the search functionality and thereby contributing to a better shopping experience for your customers.

Multilingual Support

The plugin supports multiple languages, ensuring that you can provide a consistent search experience for a global audience.

Mobile Responsiveness

The search plugin is fully responsive and adjusts perfectly to different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices.

Conclusion: FiboSearch Pro, Your Ultimate Search Solution

FiboSearch Pro is more than just a plugin; it’s a game-changer for your WordPress site. This tool elevates the search experience, a key element for any successful website. With its rich features and custom options, it’s more of a necessity than a luxury. Why? Because a good search tool boosts user engagement, page views, and even conversions.

But the value doesn’t stop there. With full WooCommerce compatibility, FiboSearch Pro is ideal for online stores. It makes the shopping experience smoother and more satisfying. The plugin’s flexibility lets you match it to your brand. This means you don’t just offer search; you offer an experience.

So, if your aim is to provide the best user experience, upgrading to FiboSearch Pro is a smart move. It’s an investment that pays off in better engagement and a more effective website. In short, FiboSearch Pro is not just an add-on. It’s a vital part of any top-notch WordPress site.


Release Date - June 28, 2024

Removed the phrase “” from the JavaScript code comment. FiboSearch has never linked to this compromised library, but some security tools recognize this JavaScript comment as a potential link to malware. All reports are false positive.
PHP deprecated notice in \DgoraWcas\Helpers::keyIsValid
Unnecessary display of warning in Troubleshooting when products are displayed using a widget from “JetSmartFilters”

Release Date - May 21, 2024

New search bar style - a compact version of a Pirx style
Integration with the Cartzilla theme
Integration with the Rey theme
Placeholders to display custom content for new suggestion types like taxonomy, post, page, and product_variation
Multilingual - allowing longer language codes (or slugs in TranslatePress)
TranslatePress - possibility to skip product translation
Allowing indexing of variants that have zero price
Debugger - catalog visibility and stock status checker
Debugger - products visibility checker
Possibility to generate product data variants in the index without spaces
Woodmart theme - unable to close the mobile menu after exiting the mobile search overlay
Flatsome theme - disappearing search bar on mobile phones
Flatsome - cannot change search bar style to Pirx
Divi theme - shortcodes are not rendered in the description in the Details Panel for pages
XStore theme - the integration doesn't replace all search forms
Uncode theme - the search icon doesn't show in the header
Force disabling transition effect on search input to avoid unexpected layout bouncing
Allowing to calculate score including one and two-character words
Better recognition of iOS
Indexing error due to too long HTML prices of variations
Indexing error when product attribute is empty
No results with WPML and WooCommerce Wholesale Prices plugins
Incorrect comparison in the tokenizer. Make stopwords lowercase in the tokenizer before calling array_diff
Possibility to pass the language when debugging the product in the index
Removed OPcache invalidation for the shortcode template file
Reverting test in Troubleshooting module for newer versions of HUSKY - Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce plugin
The .pot file
Freemius SDK to v2.7.2

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