Betheme Nulled v27.5

BeTheme (Responsive Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme) is on the Themeforest bestseller list, just like Avada, The7, Flatsome, WoodMart. Like these other themes in the list, BeTheme is also a multi-purpose WordPress Theme. Its multi-purpose nature means that it contains hundreds of ready-made designs, including furniture, fashion, accessories and landing pages.

As you know, themes on Themeforest are sold with a lifetime license and the developers are not very happy with this. It is difficult to understand the logic of BeTheme continuing to sell on Themeforest instead of its own website, with its own licensing and pricing.

Anyway, you can download the BeTheme Nulled version for free from the link below.

You can use this link to access all the features and presentation of the theme. And can check the update notes below


Version 27.5 – June 26th, 2024
* Added: WooCommerce Builder - Cart, Checkout, and Thank you page builder
* Added: WooCommerce Builder - Single product - Add to Cart element - Variations label position

* Added: Templates: Blog & Portfolio - Conditions - Option to select all categories

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Edit element without attributes
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Global wraps - Placing the same global sections on a single page
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Global wraps - After changing the global wrap a few times, the options in the dropdown menu presets disappear
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Disable parallax in the builder preview window
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Parallax background - Image always covers the full background

* Fixed: Header Builder - Active menu item - 'current-menu-ancestor' and 'current-product_cat-ancestor' classes support
* Fixed: Popup Builder - Slider element inside popup - Initialize slider after popup opens
* Fixed: Footer style: Sliding - Recalculation delay to allow styles to load

* Fixed: Query Loops - Section - In each responsive view, the sizes of elements and wrappers from the desktop are displayed
* Fixed: Query Loops - Post tag

* 2 Pre-built websites: City Hall 2, Craft Beer 3
* 2 Elementor pre-built websites: City Hall 2, Craft Beer 3

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