(v1.9.9) Bricks Theme with Builder Free Download

The world of WordPress themes and builders has always been dynamic. As the digital landscape evolves, so does the demand for more flexible, intuitive, and powerful tools. Rising to meet this challenge is the Bricks Theme with Builder Nulled – a unique blend of design aesthetics and advanced functionalities that promises to revolutionize how we create WordPress websites.


Bricks Theme with Builder is an innovative solution for anyone aiming to create tailor-made websites on WordPress without the fuss. As a theme, Bricks presents a clean and modern design ideal for various niches. But its real prowess lies in the integrated builder that empowers users to craft bespoke layouts and designs without touching a line of code.


  1. Visual Drag & Drop Editor: At the heart of Bricks is its visual editor. This drag-and-drop interface makes web designing as simple as moving elements around the screen. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or someone just starting out, the ease of use is unmatched.
  2. Live Front-End Editing: Say goodbye to backend editing and constant previews. With Bricks, you edit directly on the front end, seeing changes in real-time, ensuring the design process is fluid and efficient.
  3. Dynamic Data: Pull data dynamically from your WordPress site. From recent posts to user data, Bricks lets you display live data seamlessly within your designs.
  4. Template Library: For those who prefer a head start, Bricks offers a rich library of pre-designed templates. These professionally crafted designs can be imported and modified, giving users a jumpstart in their web design journey.
  5. Global Styling: Consistency is crucial in design. With the global styling feature, set your fonts, colors, and other design elements once, and have them reflect across your entire website.
  6. Advanced Custom Fields Integration: For sites requiring custom meta fields, Bricks seamlessly integrates with Advanced Custom Fields. This ensures your unique data is beautifully presented within your designs.
  7. WooCommerce Ready: Online stores need not feel left out. Bricks is fully compatible with WooCommerce, turning the task of building an e-commerce site into a breeze.
  8. Responsive Design Controls: Today’s digital landscape is diverse, with users accessing websites from various devices. Bricks offers in-depth responsive design controls, ensuring your site looks perfect on desktops, tablets, and mobiles.
  9. Custom CSS & JS: For the tech-savvy who wish to add an extra touch of personalization, Bricks allows the addition of custom CSS and JS, ensuring there’s no limit to customization.
  10. SEO Friendly: Beyond aesthetics, Bricks understands the importance of SEO. With its clean code structure and built-in SEO tools, your website is primed to rank well on search engines.
  11. Developer API: For those looking to extend the capabilities of Bricks, its robust Developer API provides hooks and filters, opening up endless possibilities for customization and extensions.
  12. Multilingual & RTL Support: Catering to a global audience, Bricks is ready for translation and even supports right-to-left languages, ensuring your message is effectively conveyed no matter the language or region.

The Bricks Theme with Builder Free Download isn’t just another addition to the saturated market of WordPress themes and builders. It’s a holistic tool that combines the simplicity desired by beginners with the power demanded by professionals. Every aspect of Bricks, from its intuitive interface to its vast array of features, echoes a commitment to user-centric design and functionality.

In a realm where creating custom websites often involves a steep learning curve or expensive developer fees, Bricks breaks the norm. It hands the power of creation back to the user, ensuring that every vision, no matter how intricate or expansive, can be brought to life with precision and ease.

As the digital realm continues to grow, tools like Bricks Theme Nulled with Builder will define the future of web design. They embody the ideal of democratizing web creation, making high-quality, custom website design accessible to all. With Bricks, the future of WordPress design looks not just promising, but also excitingly limitless.


Bricks 1.9.9
June 13, 2024

This release includes plenty of in-builder improvements and fixes. We tackled builder lag issues when adding and removing classes and rendering nested query loops. Duplicating, renaming, and reordering elements should also be much snappier now šŸš€.

The builder received a new set of interface icons šŸ”„. The ā€œView on frontendā€ icon is now always visible. We reordered the builder toolbar icons slightly. Thereā€™s a toolbar setting indicator when the active element has pseudo-classes. Give it a bit of time to get used to šŸ˜‰

Global Data Sync ā€“ Classes
The new and experimental Global Data Sync feature marks Bricksā€™s next big step towards more synchronous and efficient teamwork.

Until now, editing global data (global classes, CSS variables, theme styles, color palettes, etc.) in Bricks could lead to unwanted overwrites if another team member simultaneously edited the same global data.

With the new Global Data Sync enabled for classes under Bricks > Settings > Builder > Global data sync, all global class changes (add, delete, or modify classes) made in any other builder instance are automatically pulled into your builder instance whenever you perform a save.

IMPORTANT: This is an experimental feature. Please DO NOT use it on any production website! It is only meant to test and share feedback with the Bricks team via email or the forum at this stage of development!

Query Sort & Filter: Production-ready
We removed the experimental flag from the Query Sort & Filter (https://academy.bricksbuilder.io/article/query-filters/), introduced in Bricks 1.9.6.

We are still working to extend, improve, and fix this feature. But itā€™s now at a stage where you can start using it on production-level sites.

Access control fix for user role ā€œContributorā€
WordFence informed us that users with the role ā€œContributorā€ and builder access could edit Bricks post data they did not create.

Which, to be in line with WordPress contributor capabilities, shouldnā€™t technically be possible.

Bricks 1.9.9 fixes this issue by aligning the WordPress contributor capabilities when editing with Bricks. Meaning that contributors can now only edit their own Bricks-created posts.

To be clear, those edits could only affect the generated content, not any executable code. Only users with code execution capability can add, edit, or sign executable code in Bricks.

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