Fake Notifications for WordPress (v.4.2.1) Free Download

The Fake Notifications for WordPress Free Download is a powerful marketing tool designed to boost conversion rates by creating a sense of social proof and urgency on your website. By generating animated notifications that simulate user activity such as logins, orders, subscriptions, mentions on social networks, and more, this plugin aims to create a “sense of queue” or “herd effect” that motivates visitors to take action and convert into customers.

One of the key features of the Plugin Fake Notifications is its ability to create and place animated notifications in strategic locations on your website. These notifications are designed to mimic real user activity, giving visitors the impression that others are actively engaging with your website. By showcasing activity such as recent logins, orders being placed, or subscriptions being made, the plugin creates a sense of social proof that can help build trust and credibility with potential customers.

The notifications generated by the Fake Notifications for WordPress Nulled are highly customizable, allowing you to tailor them to match your website’s branding and messaging. You can choose from a variety of notification styles, colors, and animations to create a visually appealing and engaging user experience. Additionally, the plugin offers flexibility in terms of where and how notifications are displayed on your website, giving you full control over their placement and visibility.

One of the key benefits of using the Plugin Fake Notifications is its ability to leverage psychological principles such as social proof and urgency to drive conversions. By showcasing fake activity on your website, such as recent orders or subscriptions, the plugin creates a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) that motivates visitors to take action and join the perceived “queue” of users engaging with your website. This psychological phenomenon, known as the “herd effect,” can be a powerful motivator for driving conversions and increasing sales.

Furthermore, the Plugin Fake Notifications Free Download is easy to install and use, with a user-friendly interface that allows you to set up and customize notifications with ease. The plugin integrates seamlessly with WordPress, making it a convenient and effective tool for enhancing your website’s conversion rate optimization strategy.

The Plugin Fake Notifications Nulled is an effective marketing tool designed to stimulate the conversion of site visitors into customers by creating a sense of social proof and urgency. By generating animated notifications that simulate user activity, the plugin helps build trust and credibility with potential customers while leveraging psychological principles such as social proof and urgency to drive conversions. Whether you’re looking to increase sales, boost sign-ups, or encourage engagement on your website, the Plugin Fake Notifications offers a powerful solution for enhancing your conversion rate optimization efforts.

Fake Notifications for WordPress Changelog

= Version 4.0 =

- Added: Live preview
- Added: notification schedule options
- Added: test mode option
- Added: Unit for location
- Updated: Admin style
- Update: Font Awesome Icon to v. 5.12

== Ver 3.0 ==

- Added: option 'Don't show on screens more'
- Added: option for disabling FontAwesome 5 from front-end
- Added: Border style options: border style
- Added: Shadow style options
- Added: Content style options
- Added: Title style options
- Added: Icon style options
- Added: Close button size option
- Changed: Admin Style
- Optimized: Styles and Scripts (minification and response time reduction)
- Fixed: Control on the devices

== Ver 2.3.2 ==

- Added: Set cookie time
- Changed: name style and script
- Fixed: saving in database 

== Ver 2.3.1 ==

- Fixed: list sorting

== Ver 2.3 ==

- Updated: Font Awesome to version 5
- Added: 2 variables
- Added: Close Button
- Added: Title color
- Added: function 'Don't show after click' on link
- Added: Editor for notification content
- Fixed: position 'Bottom'

== Version 1.2 ==

 Fixed: Location
 Fixed: Show for users

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