Free Gifts for WooCommerce v11.4.0 Nulled

Today’s e-commerce landscape is more competitive than ever. With countless online stores vying for customer attention, standing out becomes a challenge. That’s where ingenious solutions like Free Gifts for WooCommerce Nulled come into play. This plugin not only offers a fresh way to incentivize purchases but also redefines the shopping experience, making it more rewarding for customers.

Free Gifts for WooCommerce is a game-changer for online retailers. At its core, it’s a tool that allows store owners to offer complimentary gifts to their customers based on specific criteria. Whether it’s a purchase amount, a particular product in the cart, or even a special promotional day, this plugin ensures that customers feel valued. In a world where customer retention is paramount, tools like this can make all the difference.


Conditional Gifting

This feature allows store owners to set specific conditions under which a free gift can be claimed. For example, a free item could be given for every purchase over $50.

Variety of Gifts

Store owners aren’t restricted to just one gift. Multiple gifts can be set up, and customers can choose the one they prefer.

Automated Gift Addition

Once the conditions for a free gift are met, the gift is automatically added to the customer’s cart, ensuring they don’t miss out on their reward.

Customizable Gift Messages

Every gift can come with a personalized message, making the gifting experience more intimate and memorable.

Flexible Display Options

Gifts can be displayed prominently on product pages, checkout pages, or even as pop-ups, ensuring maximum visibility.

Compatible with Most WooCommerce Themes

Integration worries are a thing of the past. The Free Gifts for WooCommerce Free Download plugin integrates seamlessly with a wide range of WooCommerce themes.

Performance Optimized

While offering rich features, the plugin is optimized for performance, ensuring that it doesn’t slow down your online store.

Regular Updates

The plugin receives regular updates, guaranteeing compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress and WooCommerce, and ensuring that any bugs are swiftly addressed.

Download Plugin Free Gifts for WooCommerce

Today’s e-commerce world thrives on connections. Businesses that recognize and respond to the intrinsic human desire for appreciation often stand out. The Free Gifts for WooCommerce Plugin Free anchors this strategy by offering genuine moments of delight for shoppers. So, why does this approach resonate so widely?

Firstly, it taps into a basic human instinct. We often feel a pull to reciprocate when someone shows us kindness. Receiving an unexpected gift not only brings immediate joy but also strengthens the bond between customer and brand. It sends a clear message: “We value you.”

In an era saturated with marketing messages and countless offers, this plugin brings a breath of fresh air. It isn’t just another sale or discount. Instead, it’s a heartfelt gesture that adds a personal touch to each shopping experience. Such moments can elevate a brand’s image and make it memorable.

This approach also drives tangible business results. Shoppers, knowing a reward lies just beyond a certain threshold, might consider adding another item to their carts. Such incentives can boost cart values and conversion rates.

Furthermore, by embracing this giving strategy, a brand tells its own story. In today’s market, where consumers seek brands they can trust and connect with, a spontaneous gift stands out. It conveys a company’s genuine appreciation for its customers.

In essence, the Free Gifts for WooCommerce plugin isn’t just a tool; it represents a business philosophy focused on gratitude and building relationships. As the e-commerce landscape evolves, such thoughtful strategies will shape the future, making shopping more enriching and memorable.


Version 11.4.0RELEASED ON 2024-07-01

  • Plugin Settings and Rule Configuration Improvements
  • Tested with WordPress v6.5.5
  • Tested with WooCommerce v9.0.2
  • Error occurred when trying to duplicate the available rule
  • Unable to search Variable Product when trying to add it as a Gift item in the Manual Order Creation

Version 11.3.0RELEASED ON 2024-06-07

  • Added Cart Subtotal based repeat Free Gift type[Manual and Automatic]
  • Option added to restrict the Free Gift products based on the virtual products
  • Option added to award the same product as Gift Product when different products were selected in the Get product[Buy X Get Y Manual]
  • Brand-based Gifting supported in the Buy X Get Y and Subtotal-based repeat modes
  • Tested with WordPress v6.5.4
  • Tested with WooCommerce v8.9.2

Version 11.2.0RELEASED ON 2024-05-20

  • JS improvement[applicable for the Safari browser]
  • Tested with WordPress v6.5.3
  • Tested with WooCommerce v8.9.0
  • Redirection issue when the Gift Products added in the checkout page
  • Fatal error when displaying the Eligibility Notice using shortcode
  • Gift Products display conflict after adding the First Gift product in the Pop-Up mode[Ajax Add to Gift enabled]

Version 11.1.0RELEASED ON 2024-04-27

  • Supported for Alia Currency Switcher plugin based compatible
  • Multiple Product selection supported in the Buy Product field[Buy X Get y mode]
  • Conditional option added to consider the Buy Product when multiple products were selected case
  • Additional option added to consider the Buy Quantity calculation[Product with Least Quantity will be considered]
  • Supported awarding the product as Free Gift when it is in the Backorder case
  • Tested with WordPress v6.5.2
  • Tested with WooCommerce v8.8.2

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