wpDataTables v6.6 Nulled Tables & Charts WordPress Table Plugin

The digital landscape has seen an increasing demand for efficient data management tools. Enter wpDataTables, a game-changing WordPress plugin that simplifies the task of managing large sets of data. This robust solution promises not only the efficient handling of data but also presents it in a way that’s user-friendly and visually appealing.

Data is omnipresent in today’s online world. From simple blog statistics to intricate e-commerce inventory details, websites require tools to organize, process, and display vast amounts of information. wpDataTables Nulled serves as a bridge, enabling even those without a deep understanding of data analytics to visualize complex datasets seamlessly. Tailored for WordPress, it integrates effortlessly with the platform, ensuring a smooth user experience for both website managers and visitors.


Simple Data Management

Regardless of the source – Excel, CSV, MySQL, or even Google Sheets – wpDataTables can handle it. Users can upload their datasets, and the plugin takes care of the rest, converting this data into comprehensive tables.

Responsive Tables

In an era where mobile browsing surpasses desktop, responsiveness isn’t just an added feature; it’s a necessity. wpDataTables ensures that tables adapt to the screen size, offering optimal viewing experiences across all devices.

Advanced Filtering

Users can sift through data using advanced filters, ensuring they get to the information they need without wading through extraneous details. This is particularly useful for websites dealing with vast datasets.

Interactive Charts

Data visualization is a powerful tool in data comprehension. wpDataTables goes beyond just tables by offering chart integration. Users can convert data into pie charts, line graphs, and more, all of which are interactive and easily customizable.

Front-End Editing

A unique feature, front-end editing allows authorized users to make changes to the tables directly from the website’s front-end, streamlining the data update process.

Conditional Formatting

This feature ensures that certain data stands out. Users can set conditions, and when these are met, the data changes color, making it easier to spot and analyze trends or anomalies.

Integration Capabilities

wpDataTables Tables & Charts WordPress Table Plugin Nulled is not an isolated tool. It integrates seamlessly with other plugins and platforms, enhancing its utility. Whether it’s connecting to databases or integrating with data form plugins, wpDataTables is versatile in its functionality.


Recognizing that one size doesn’t fit all, wpDataTables offers deep customization options. Users can modify table designs, colors, and even the way data is sorted, ensuring alignment with brand aesthetics and user preferences.

Download wpDataTables Plugin

Navigating the world of WordPress plugins, wpDataTables emerges as a leader in data management. It answers a critical need, turning vast datasets into easily digestible formats. With its diverse features, such as intuitive charts and filtering, this tool is essential for WordPress sites focused on data. In essence, wpDataTables doesn’t just organize data; it transforms numbers into valuable insights. This transformation aids decision-making and boosts user interaction. Opting for wpDataTables means choosing clarity, simplicity, and effective data visualization for your website.


Version 6.6 (Released 24.07.2024.)
New update:

Feature: Added global search function for searching multiple tables on one page using a shortcode.
Improvement: Implemented placeholders (loaders ) during table loading.
Improvement: Implemented placeholders (loaders) during chart loading.
Improvement: Changed all string names so that they’re unique for PO Edit.
Improvement: Updated ApexCharts library.
Improvement: Updated HighCharts library.
BugFix: Fixed issue with sorting date columns for non-SS tables.
BugFix: Fixed issue preventing the removal of empty values from select boxes.
BugFix: Fixed issue with HighCharts Stock not showing the time zoom toolbar when the stable version option is turned on.
BugFix: Fixed issue with grouping not working properly on charts with float columns.
Other small bug fixes
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