Event Tickets Plus v6.0.0 Free Download

Events, whether physical or virtual, are gatherings filled with potential. They promise learning, networking, entertainment, and experiences that attendees will cherish. But the magic doesn’t just happen; it’s curated meticulously. One crucial aspect of this curation is ticketing. Enter: Event Tickets Plus Nulled – a powerful tool that promises not just ticketing but an enhanced event experience.

Decoding Event Tickets Plus

In today’s digital age, where events can range from intimate workshops to grand virtual summits, the tools we use to manage them need to be flexible, efficient, and user-friendly. Event Tickets Plus emerges as a robust solution for WordPress users, harmoniously integrating with The Events Calendar. Together, they create a seamless bridge between event creation and ticket sales.

Features That Elevate the Event Experience

Customizable Ticketing

One size doesn’t fit all. Event Tickets Plus recognizes this, offering customizable ticketing options. Whether you’re hosting a free webinar or a premium masterclass, you can tailor your tickets to fit the event’s nature.

RSVPs Made Simple

Gather responses without fuss. Attendees can RSVP to events directly from the event post, making it convenient for them and giving organizers a clear headcount.

WooCommerce Integration

Monetizing events becomes a cakewalk with Event Tickets Plus, thanks to its seamless integration with WooCommerce. Sell tickets, offer discounts, or set up unique pricing tiers, all while utilizing the powerful features of WooCommerce.

QR Code Check-in

Say goodbye to long queues and hello to quick, hassle-free check-ins. With the QR code feature, attendees can swiftly get scanned in, ensuring a smooth entry and a great first impression.

Advanced Custom Fields

Want to gather more information about your attendees? Whether it’s dietary preferences for a gala dinner or t-shirt sizes for a workshop, custom fields allow you to collect the data you need.

Global Stock Management

Overbooking is a nightmare every event organizer fears. With Event Tickets Plus, you can manage ticket stock across multiple events, ensuring that you never sell more than you can accommodate.

Diverse Payment Options

Give your attendees the convenience of choice. With multiple payment gateways, attendees can choose their preferred mode of payment, making the ticket buying experience frictionless.

Streamlined E-commerce Flow

The direct integration with e-commerce plugins ensures that the ticket purchasing process is as intuitive as shopping online. No convoluted steps, no redirects; just a smooth journey from event discovery to ticket possession.

Mobile Optimized

In our mobile-first world, an optimized experience for smartphone users is paramount. Event Tickets Plus is designed with mobile users in mind, ensuring that they enjoy a seamless experience, be it browsing events or purchasing tickets.

Tailored Email Confirmations

Communication is key. Post-purchase, attendees receive tailored email confirmations with all the essential event details, ensuring they’re well-informed and excited about the upcoming event.

A Grand Finale

The success of an event isn’t solely dependent on what happens during the event itself. It starts way before, from the moment a potential attendee discovers your event, to when they decide to purchase a ticket. This entire journey needs to be as memorable as the event.

Event Tickets Plus Free Download isn’t just a ticketing solution; it’s an experience enhancer. With its myriad features, it ensures that both the organizer’s and the attendee’s journey is smooth, efficient, and enjoyable. The tool reimagines ticketing, taking it from a mere transactional process to an integral part of the event experience.

In conclusion, if you’re on the lookout for a holistic solution that bridges the gap between event management and ticketing seamlessly, Event Tickets Plus is your answer. Embrace it, and transform your events into memorable experiences that attendees will rave about!


Event Tickets Plus 6.0.0
By Emily Negroni on 7.22.24 Event Tickets Plus
Feature Release

Event Tickets Plus now includes PDF Tickets, Apple Wallet passes, and automation with Zapier & Microsoft Power Automate! Learn More here.

Event Tickets Plus 6.0.0 is only compatible with Event Tickets 5.13.0 and higher.

As always, we recommend testing updates on a staging site first, but it should all be smooth sailing.

✨ Features
New Features in this release:

Added PDF Tickets.
Added Apple Wallet passes.
Added automation integrations with Zapier, and Microsoft Power Automate.
🗣 Translations
Updated language files and strings:

54 new strings added
17 updated

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