Materialize (v13.0.0 Free Download) React – Next.js, Vuejs, HTML, Laravel & Asp.Net Material Design Admin Template

Materialize stands as a top-selling material design admin template, revered for its adherence to Google’s Materialize – React – Next.js, Vuejs, HTML, Laravel & Asp.Net Material Design Admin Template Nulled Design guidelines and its responsive design.

Materialize has established itself as a leader in the world of material design admin templates. Inspired by Google Material Design, it offers a user interface that combines aesthetic appeal with functionality, making it a favorite among developers. Its responsive design ensures seamless operation across various devices, and the support it offers is unmatched, making it a reliable choice for professionals.

Materialize is known for its extensive collection of material design widgets and UI elements, ensuring compatibility across all major web browsers, tablets, and phones. Its user-friendly and intuitive interface makes it enjoyable to use. The versatility of Materialize is evident in its ability to facilitate the development of a wide range of web applications, including SaaS platforms, project management apps, eCommerce backends, CRM systems, and more.

The template is not only user-friendly but also straightforward, allowing for quick and easy project initiation. It comes equipped with ready-to-go templates, including three niche dashboards and five applications like Email, Chat, Calendar, Invoice, and User. This ready-to-deploy nature of Materialize, along with its comprehensive documentation and starter kit, makes it an ideal choice for kickstarting projects.


  • Next.js v13 & MUI Core v5: Built with the latest versions of these frameworks, ensuring cutting-edge performance and design.
  • 100% React hooks & Functional Components: Utilizes modern React practices for efficient development.
  • Redux Toolkit & React Context API: Offers robust state management solutions.
  • React Hook Form + Yup: Simplifies form handling and validation.
  • Laravel 10 & Vue 3 with Vuetify 3: Supports these popular frameworks, enhancing backend and frontend development.
  • Ready-to-deploy Folder Structure: Simplifies the deployment process.
  • Complete User Flows: Ensures a comprehensive user experience.
  • ESLint & Prettier: Maintains code quality and consistency.
  • User Overridable Layout & Theme: Offers customization flexibility.
  • RTL Support: Accommodates right-to-left languages.
  • Code Splitting, Lazy loading: Optimizes performance.
  • JWT Authentication & Access Control (ACL – CASL): Ensures security and user management.
  • Auth Pages, Account Settings & Profile Pages: Provides essential user interfaces.
  • Pricing, FAQ & Knowledge Base Pages: Offers additional resources for users.
  • Multi-lingual Support: Enhances accessibility for a global audience.
  • 5 Apps, 3 Chart Libraries, 3 Dashboards: Offers a range of tools for data representation and app development.
  • Material Design Icons by Community & Unlimited Color Options: Provides aesthetic flexibility.
  • Fully Responsive Layout: Ensures compatibility with all devices.
  • Organized Folder Structure, Clean & Commented Code: Facilitates maintenance and scalability.
  • Well Documented: Offers comprehensive guidance.
  • 6 Months of Free Support: Provides reliable post-purchase assistance.

Final Assessment: Why Materialize is the Premier Choice for Web Application Development

Materialize emerges as a comprehensive and versatile solution for web application development. Its adherence to Google’s Material Design guidelines, combined with its responsive nature, makes it a top choice for developers. The range of features it offers, from modern frameworks like Next.js and Vue 3 to its ready-to-deploy structure, ensures that it meets the diverse needs of today’s web development projects.

The template’s user-friendly interface, combined with its extensive documentation and starter kit, provides a solid foundation for developers. Whether creating a complex CRM system or a simple project management app, Materialize offers the tools and flexibility needed for successful development. By choosing Materialize, developers are not only selecting a template; they are embracing a comprehensive toolkit that streamlines the development process, ensuring their projects are both aesthetically pleasing and functionally robust. In the dynamic world of web development, Materialize – React – Next.js, Vuejs, HTML, Laravel & Asp.Net Material Design Admin Template Free Download stands out as a reliable, efficient, and versatile solution.


v13.0.0 (2024-04-26)
Nuxt 3 Version (Initial Release)
Vue & Vue Laravel
Migration guide in docs for major and technical changes (Highly recommended to read)
unplugin-vue-router for typed pages
eCommerce App
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Fleet (Added MapBox library)
Kanban App
Front Pages
Landing Page
Pricing Page
Payment Page
Checkout Page
Help Center Page
Swiper Extension
TipTap Rich Editor
More Dialog Examples
Form Wizard
Vite Vue DevTool Plugin
Plugins are now registered automatically like Nuxt and moved to src/plugins directory
Styles are moved to src/assets/styles directory
Directory structure updated
SSR related improvements and fixes
We now uses SVG based CSS icons instead of SVGs for icons
Theme config now uses "pinia" store instead of composable
useThemeConfig composable is replaced with useConfigStore store
Replaced axios with native fetch API
Replaced axios-mock-adapter with msw
Cookie is used for persistence instead of LocalStorage
Customiser UI (User-friendly design)
Invoice List (New widgets)
User List (New widgets)
Libraries Updated to latest version
Code now utilize auto imports similar to Nuxt
vite-plugin-pages plugin (Replaced by unplugin-vue-router)
axios (Replace by native fetch API)
axios-mock-adapter (Replaced by msw)
Figma (Design File)
Updated design structure
Added new figma variable structure

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