Permalink Manager Pro v2.4.3.5 Nulled

Permalink Manager Pro Nulled is not just another WordPress plugin; it’s a robust system that provides total control over every URL on your website. Gone are the days when you had to settle for the automated, often confusing, and not-so-SEO-friendly URLs generated by WordPress. With this powerful tool, you have the ability to customize your permalinks the way you want, giving you a significant edge in SEO performance and user experience.


Easy Customization of Permalinks

Permalink Manager Pro makes it incredibly easy to customize your URLs. Whether you want to change the URLs for posts, pages, categories, or tags, this plugin lets you do it all. And you don’t need to be a developer to understand how to operate it.

Batch Edit URLs

When you need to edit multiple URLs at the same time, Permalink Manager Pro has you covered. With its Batch Edit feature, you can change multiple permalinks in one go, saving you a lot of time and effort.


Worried about 404 errors after changing your URLs? Permalink Manager Pro automatically sets up redirects from the old URLs to the new ones, ensuring a smooth transition and avoiding any negative SEO implications.

Permalink Aliases

With this feature, you can set up multiple URLs for a single post. This is especially useful for eCommerce sites where a product might belong to multiple categories.

Advanced Regex Redirects

If you need more complex redirect functionalities, you can use regular expressions to set up rules. This is a lifesaver for larger websites that require dynamic URL structures.

Canonical Redirects

Duplicate content can be a severe SEO problem. This feature helps you avoid that by setting up canonical redirects, ensuring that only the most SEO-friendly URLs are indexed by search engines.

URI Editor

The plugin offers a URI editor that helps in manual adjustments. You can directly edit the URI through the native post/page edit interface in WordPress, providing a seamless user experience.

WooCommerce and WPML Compatibility

The plugin is fully compatible with WooCommerce and WPML, making it a versatile choice for online stores and multilingual websites.


Permalink Manager Pro is designed with SEO in mind. The cleaner and more straightforward your URLs are, the more search-engine friendly your website becomes.

Debug Mode

If something goes wrong, the plugin’s debug mode will help you identify the issue quickly. You can also preview what your new URL will look like before finalizing the change, minimizing errors.

User-Friendly Interface

With an intuitive dashboard, managing your permalinks has never been easier. The admin interface is designed to be easy to navigate, ensuring that you can make the most out of the plugin’s extensive features.

Download Permalink Manager Pro Plugin

Permalink Manager Pro Free Download is a game-changer for anyone looking to gain better control over their WordPress URLs. With its extensive feature set, compatibility with other major plugins, and focus on user experience and SEO, this plugin has set a new standard in permalink management. Its capabilities go beyond merely changing URLs. It allows for advanced customization and control, making it indispensable for WordPress users keen on SEO and user experience optimization. If you’re struggling with URL structures that don’t make sense or are not SEO-friendly, Permalink Manager Pro is the tool you’ve been waiting for. Invest in this plugin, and take a significant step toward a more organized, more searchable, and ultimately more successful online presence.


    • Fix – Security fix for Permalink_Manager_UI_Elements->get_the_form() function
    • Dev – The breadcrumbs support can only be enabled for content items that have custom permalinks
  • MAY 16, 20242.4.3.3
    • Dev – Optimization of “Permalink_Manager_Core_Functions::fix_pagination_pages”
    • Dev – The canonical redirect function has been improved to fully handle the “/page/1” and “/1/” endpoints as well as the “p”, “page_id”, and “name” query parameters in URLs
    • Fix – The plugin may save the native slug for “draft” posts and pages even if WordPress has not generated it yet
    • Fix – “Customize URL” in the admin toolbar works now correctly also for categories, and custom taxonomies
    • Fix – “Auto-update mode” is now respected in Advanced Translation Editor (WPML)

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