(v3.26.8) WishList Member X Free Download

Building a membership site can be a powerful way to generate recurring revenue, create a community, and offer exclusive content or services. WishList Member X Nulled stands out as a comprehensive solution for creating and managing a membership site within the WordPress ecosystem.

WishList Member X is a premium WordPress plugin designed to transform any WordPress site into a fully functional membership site with ease. It allows site owners to protect content, manage members, and create a variety of membership levels, providing a flexible platform for a wide range of membership-based businesses.


As a WordPress plugin, WishList Member X Nulled integrates seamlessly with the platform, providing an intuitive interface for site administrators. It is suitable for a variety of membership models, including online courses, private communities, subscription-based services, and more. The plugin simplifies the process of setting up and managing a membership site, making it accessible even to those with limited technical expertise.


  1. Unlimited Membership Levels: Create multiple levels of membership, each with its own set of access rules and pricing.
  2. Content Protection: Protect your content with ease, allowing access only to members with the appropriate permissions.
  3. Flexible Payment Options: Integrate with popular payment gateways and offer various payment plans, including one-time, recurring, and trial memberships.
  4. Drip Content: Gradually release content to members based on a schedule or member’s registration date to keep them engaged over time.
  5. Member Management: Easily manage member accounts, track their activity, and provide support directly from the WordPress dashboard.
  6. Custom Registration Forms: Create tailored registration forms to collect the information you need from your members upon sign-up.
  7. Email Notifications: Automate email communications with members, including welcome emails, payment confirmations, and renewal reminders.
  8. Integration with Third-Party Tools: Connect with popular services like MailChimp, Zapier, and more to enhance the functionality of your membership site.
  9. Access Control: Define precise access rules for each membership level, controlling which content each member can view or interact with.
  10. Private Members Areas: Create exclusive areas for members to access special content, forums, or resources.
  11. Performance Analytics: Track the performance of your membership site with built-in analytics and reporting tools.
  12. Affiliate Program Support: Integrate with affiliate marketing tools to incentivize others to promote your membership site.
  13. Secure Login & Authentication: Provide members with secure login capabilities and protect your site from unauthorized access.
  14. Customizable Design: Match the look and feel of your membership site to your brand with customizable templates and design options.
  15. Membership Directory: Create a directory of members, fostering networking and community within your site.
  16. Responsive Support: Access responsive customer support for any questions or issues that arise while using the plugin.

WishList Member X Free Download is a robust and user-friendly tool that empowers WordPress site owners to create and manage a membership site effectively. Its comprehensive set of features caters to the needs of various membership models, offering flexibility and control over content, members, and payments.

Adopting WishList Member X for your membership site can lead to enhanced engagement, a stronger community, and a steady stream of recurring revenue. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, educator, content creator, or community builder, WishList Member X provides the necessary tools to turn your vision into a thriving membership site.

By leveraging the power of WishList Member X, you can focus on delivering value to your members while the plugin takes care of the technical complexities. This focus on delivering an exceptional membership experience can set your site apart and contribute to its long-term success. In summary, WishList Member X is a valuable investment for anyone looking to establish or grow a membership site on the WordPress platform.


WishList Member 3.26.8
Version 3.26.8

Fixed inaccessible members area even for admin users
Fixed inaccessible payment integration payment links

Version 3.26.7

Added a toggle option to hide/show inaccessible scheduled content in post listings in Content Scheduler
Fixed unapproved members having access to protected Elementor containers
Updated the create level API endpoint to include the expiration option for a specific date
Updated the update level API endpoint to be able to edit the expiration option and set it to a specific date
Fixed Stripe integration creating duplicate account in Stripe if an already existing customers re-purchases while logged out
Updated Stripe integration to only delete customers that are newly created by WishList Member if the payment fails during the registration process
Security Fixes:

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