WP Rocket Nulled 3.16.4

WP Rocket is the most sensible and advanced cache plugin available for WordPress which has support for WooCommerce as well. It has a separate cache for mobile devices and desktops, which make it the perfect cache plugin, unlike other plugins. The configuration of WP-Rocket is very simple as it comes with self-explanatory option titles. You can see a jump of over 70% in your normal WordPress website after installing WP Rocket Nulled.

If you need more information about it, you should visit their homepage >>>


3.16.4 August 14th, 2024
Staggered release, version available for 25% of customers
Enhancement: Refactor of the Optimize Critical Images codebase (#6831)
Bugfix: Fix PHP undefined property warning when using Optimize Critical Images feature (#6814)
Bugfix: Fix rocket_min_rucss_size filter, it was not working in specific circumstances (#6819)
Enhancement: Allow the usage of more than 10 seconds timeout for the rocket_lcp_delay filter (#6741)
Enhancement: Make sure to remove loading=”lazy” attribute when automatically excluding from the lazy load above the fold images (#6657)
Enhancement: Add span element to the list of possible LCP elements when using Optimize Critical Images feature (#6821)
Enhancement: Add data-rocket-defer attribute to the scripts deferred by WP Rocket (#6091)
Enhancement: Allow the removal of <noscript> element generated for the lazyload markup (#5723)

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